Monday, April 2, 2012

Energy, Why You Leave Me??

    Lately, I have been completely drained of energy. I know there are a million things I should be doing but when it comes to actually getting off my big, fat butt and doing them-- well...I can't! Even last week when I was sick, I was still up and running around, baking cheesecakes and getting crap done. Maybe my body knows that after tomorrow, I will have no down time for 3 months. My new quarter starts tomorrow and it will be a busy one. I am also going to start swimming again-- I purposely made my schedule open enough to fit in a good hour long swim,  so maybe, just maybe...I will start getting back in shape! 

   So speaking of school, I just found out I made the Honor's list. I have never been recognized for grades or stuff like that so finally being acknowledged is very nice. A notation has also been added to my permanent record so I can brag about it for years to come haha. Also, I am going to apply for a scholarship that the school is offering. It is only going to bring another 1300 bucks but hey, every little bit counts!

  What else is going on lately?? Hmmm? Nothing really. I am feeling so drained of energy that even this post feels like a 20 mile marathon. I am sorry for the boring-ness of it all but what can I say? I am lazy.

  I hope you all are well and ... ummm...  yeah. Bye!


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