Remember when you were young and being sick meant: no school, mom taking care of you and all the cartoons you want? Yeah, well now that I am an old fart, being sick only means that I still have to go to work, just feel horrible while doing so, or else I will get paid nothing! If I do stay home, mom doesn't need to take care of me because I am a "big girl" although, every now and then she will try. And we do not have T.V anymore so there are no cartoons to watch! What is the point??? GRRRRR! Okay, I am done. So I just have a cold but it is knocking me on my butt and I just want it to go away. I am supposed to go camping this weekend with Kris and some friends but if I am sick the whole time (and it might very well be raining the whole time we are camping as well) then that would just suck horribly. Oh well, we shall see how it goes.
So by popular demand (being Aubrey) I am going to show some pics of my nail designs that I have been doing lately. Now, they aren't anything to be amazed by-- my nails are short and I am not any sort of artist but they make me happy. So, here they are!
The last one is a pattern I am going to try when my nails get longer! Yay!
Okay, so what else? Oh, I am done with classes! I got an A in my Renaissance Humanism class which is amazing because that class was intense. I am pretty sure I will have an A in my Women's Health class and for my Ethnic Writer's less than a B I am sure. It would be an A but I had the worst Writer's Block of my life during midterms so the essay I wrote was just awful. I have always been great at writing essays and that one was a C paper at best-- just very very bad for me. I am glad this quarter is over. I did mostly online classes this time around and I can't wait to get back to the in-person classes.
Okay well this will be my last post for a few days. I am going to be in Redding, camping in the wet, cold mud while coughing my lungs out. Woo hoo! I hope you all are healthy and happy!
Adios amigos!
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