Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I Wanna Talk About ME!

I wanna talk about me, I wanna talk about I! I wanna talk about number one, oh my, me, my! I like talkin' about you, you, you, usually; but occasionally, I WANNA TALK ABOUT ME!!!

Sooo....that is a song, for all of you not in the country "know". And who might that song be by you ask? Toby Keith, that's who! And why am I singing/writing this song in my blog you inquire? Well, because I got to go see him in concert on Sunday! I was very excited even though he is not my favorite country artist, he still has quite a few good songs and is obviously a fun guy so the show had to be good-- and it was! For Kris' birthday, I got him tickets to the concert because Toby Keith is one of his favorite country artists, and being a relativity new country fan, he had never been to a country concert before. Well, let me tell you...its ALWAYS  a redneck adventure when heading to a redneck concert, let me begin:

Kris' birthday was back in May, therefore, he knew about the concert since then and that bonehead didn't get the day off-- first issue there. Neither did his friend Nate, who was going with us along with his girlfriend Amanda. Thankfully though, they got off at 5 and the concert was an hour away in Mountain View, plus it didn't start until 7pm. Not a problem right? Well, wrong, because everyone and their mother was on the off-ramp to get to the amphitheater. It took us nearly an hour and a half to drive 1 mile and that IS NOT an exaggeration. While we were waiting in the blistering heat amongst 1800 huge diesel trucks with billowing exhaust blowing in our faces-- we got to see quite a few interesting things. The first was when we were trying to merge into the right exit lane where a long line of people were already parked-- Kris was trying to nose in because the GPS told him to be in the left lane at first, yet we found out later that we needed to be in the right. So Kris saw a bit of an open spot and started to scoot in in front of this woman in a SUV. This woman in the SUV did not like that however and started moving closer and closer to the nose of Kris' car, trying to keep him from getting in...he is not moving at all by the way, but she is. She eventually gets close enough that with my window down, I could easily touch her through her window. She begins yelling at Kris, saying "Are you trying to hit my F*%$&% car?!" Kris looked up at her, still not moving and said "No, but you are trying to hit mine" The woman continued on, cussing at us, saying how we should have waited in line just like everyone else; which, honestly we were trying to do and willing to do if not for the GPS-- anyway....her colorful language and attitude continued even with her three young children in the back. Great role model she was! 
Once we moved ahead a bit, we saw people jumping in and out of their cars while stuck in traffic, two boys got out of a truck, went up against  the side of a wall...within full view of everyone mind you, and began peeing. Cars were honking at them, people were yelling stuff and laughing. The boys apparently were so embarrassed that they couldn't pee after all. That wasn't a problem however, for a very drunk woman a few cars ahead of them. She went into the median and squatted down to relieve herself with no problems and also within full view of everyone. Moving ahead further, a limo full of very drunk teenagers (they looked like teens anyway) began opening its doors, and littering drunk, rambling girls dressed in trashy clothes all over the freeway. They were trying to climb in other cars and were stumbling everywhere. Once again cars were honking and trying to push ahead, causing mayhem at every turn. These sort of issues continued on the rest of the way to the parking area, but thankfully we made it in one piece. We missed the opener and caught the tail end of Brantley Gilbert. The break in between Brantley and Toby was big enough for all of us to get some food and drinks and relax for a few in our seats. Finally, the show started and the fun began!

                                                                       Brantley Gilbert

                                                                           Still Brantley Gilbert
                                                                      Yay! Country!
                                                               Nate and Amanda

Then came Toby Keith!

Oh, I forgot to mention, right before Toby Keith started, in the row across from us-- a beer suddenly flew into the aisle. We all looked over and a man was standing up, covered in beer and looking very unhappy with a woman next to him-- who threw the beer. The man left and he woman, after a few minutes, attempted to chase after him. I say "attempted" because she got about two steps from her seat and fell into the next aisle, plastered drunk. She literally fell out of her shoes, she was so out of it. Nate being a nice guy, ran over to help her up along with a few other guys...
 The one in the pink there is the plastered one...yeah. She was eventually escorted out of the concert. Its pretty sad when even your friends are glad you are going away. Everyone around that area was applauding when she left. Okay, so back to Toby Keith. I recorded a few songs of his, I would put some videos of the actual concert up here but I do not know why blogger isn't doing videos anymore...So I will try again in a bit.

I guess without the videos, all I can do is sum up the rest of the evening. Poor Kris had a headache throughout the whole concert, even worse was before we got out of the car, he asked me to look for the Excedrin he keeps in the glove box, but I couldn't find it-- that is, until after the concert. He had fun anyways thank goodness. When the concert was done, we all filed out, trying to rush back to the car before the roads became a parking lot again. While running back, Kris saw a bunch of girls ...dressed questionably of course, and this group of girls looked like a similar group we saw at the start of the concert, coming out of a limo with "Tori's Sweet 16" written all over it. So Kris said, "That must be Tori's Sweet 16 party then." One of the girls heard him and said "I am 18 you c*&%!!" We were like "Woah!", so in a day, Kris got cussed out by a 40 year old soccer mom and an 18 year old girl dressed like a hooker...it was quite a birthday for him! 

When we made it back to the car, we all expressed how hungry we were so it was quickly decided that we would go to Denny's. I was happy about this because it has become sort of tradition for me to got there after a concert. We ended up going the "Meyer Route" there, which is what Kris calls the long way to get anywhere. While driving on random back roads, we had a country station on, that is, until it began to fade out. The station then faded into Jason Mraz's "Im Your's", which somehow started a car wide sing along...until it faded back into a Toby Keith song and we all continued the sing along with him instead. It was quite funny and sadly, I did not get a video of it. We finally made it do a Denny's and feasted like crazy people.

We finally finished the food around 2am and headed home. It was a long but fun day. I think Kris enjoyed his very late birthday present. I am glad I got to do something big for him for a change!

Enjoy your day folks!


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